But this one's important.
It's about the Children's Miracle Network Hospitals.
Yeah, the big guys. The hospitals that are saving little lives all over this country. In your state, in my state. People you know, and people I know. They are doing good, a lot of good.
Thankfully, they are Miss America's national platform. That's right, thousands of women all over this country are reaching out to raise awareness, love, and yes, money for this organization.
I know, money is tight. I know, sometimes places like this seem so out of touch for some of us.
Thank goodness they are.
But for so many families, and so many children, they aren't. There are families that spend more time in a hospital than at work, and children that spend days at these hospitals instead of days at school.
So, I am asking you to make those days a little easier, and those treatments a little more bearable. Not only to CMN Hospital's have some of the most groundbreaking technologies and treatments, they have amazing specialized staff members, playrooms, family rooms, and pediatric specialists that parents can ask for.
But it costs money.
As a state contestant I am doing what I can to raise money for CMNH, but I need your help. A little goes a long way. We've seen it before. We can see it again.
Please, consider helping today. Or maybe next week. Or maybe ask your neighbor, or your sister, or your coworker. It all helps.
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