20 New Things I Did in 2016

1. Did my first juice cleanse

2. Became a Pure Barre Instructor

3. Went to Hawaii

4. Learned how to use *just about everything* at the gym

5. Became Miss Vermont 2016

6. Threw 3 first pitches

7. Rode in 8 parades

8. Met Senators Bernie Sanders and Pat Leahey, Representative Peter Welch, and Governor Shumlin (and Phil Scott,) all in less than two months.

9. Went to Greenville South Carolina, Washington D.C. and Memphis Tennessee for the first time

10. Visited the White House, met the First Dogs

11. Ran two 5ks

12. Ran a 10k

13. Ran a half marathon a week later

14. Attended my first industry conference

15. Went to Miss America

16. Got a massage

17. Spent 14 consecutive hours in Magic Kingdom

18. Drove over 25,000 miles around Vermont

19. Visited 101 Vermont towns

20. Made a friend in every state

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