Which happens to mean this is the last month of my second year of college.
I know.
It flew by, it truly did. This year has been so different than last year, in all of the best ways. In all of the ways that make sense, and that make me better. Academically, socially, it has just been better.
Before this year closes out I have got to get through these last three weeks of pure, unadulterated, academic torture. Apparently every test, project, exam, paper, and everything, should be saved to the very bitter end. That end, being now. As everything begins to stack up I have to keep reminding myself that it is doable. I have to keep reminding, and organizing, and refocusing. I have to keep my eye on that sunshine-y prize.
I am not overwhelmed, yet. I know it will happen. I know it will hit me. But I also know that when all of this settles it will be the end of year two. Because of that alone I am so willing to plow through all of this. I am so willing to do all of this work, to boot myself off of the internet and shut off the TV. Because then? Then it is summer.
And summer is just so much better than this bitter end.
Papers, research projects, and exams have got nothing on me. That one week in March sparked the summer bug in me, and I will be holding on to that until April 28th, when "summer" begins.
Here we go....
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