Friday Favorites

Alright, I would wager that just about every Friday I have had in the last four months could have really used a focus on the favorites. So I'm back at it - here we go!

Favorite Quote:

I'm a big fan of, "If they are happy, good for them, embrace it, and let them just be happy!"
Mostly, because life is complicated enough as it is, if someone else has joy, I'm all for it.

Favorite Moment:

This week - like many - I lived and died by the support of my friends. Some of my best moments of the week were just texting with friends who make me laugh, make me smile, and make this life a little easier.

Favorite Song:

I'm on a country kick. It happens. This week I cannot get enough of Keith Urban and Miranda Lambert in "We Were Us."

Favorite New Show:

Alright, some of you are not going to like this - just because of the kind of comedy it is - but my new show? Bob's Burgers. You guys, I actually laugh out loud all the time while watching this show. I really can't get enough. (Thank God for Netflix!)

Favorite Surprise:

This week I was graced with two sweet cards from two sweet friends. You better believe I still send and receive snail mail on the reg - and you know what, it always brings a smile to someone's face!

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