Books You Really Should Be Reading

It is really no secret that I am a reader. Through and through, a book nerd. And to the credit of my flattering friends, I am constantly getting asked, What have you read lately? What do you recommend? Give me something to reeead. 

So here they are: my top five books of the last five months. (Also known as the first five books that I could think of, and that I think you really should be reading.)

Where'd you go, Bernadette? - Maria Semple

Someone, somewhere, called this one of the best books of the year - honestly, that might be setting the bar a little high. I thoroughly enjoyed this story, in fact, I got through it in about two days. It was a quick, simple enough, enjoyable read.

(Great for a plane ride, a lunch-break, or a casual kind of reader.)

Memoirs of an Imaginary Friend - Matthew Dicks

Okay, I am a sucker for a book recommended by Picoult, however, I had already purchased the book - and was totally sold on the concept of the story, before I even knew she was quoted on the cover. 

The story is told from the point of view of the imaginary friend to a young boy with Autism. Really, that is all you'll want to know going into this. I truly loved this story.

(I wouldn't say this resembles Picoult's work, but someone who enjoys the style of her writing would definitely enjoy this.)

The Storyteller - Jodi Picoult

I am, undoubtedly, a huge Picoult fan. Admittedly, her last two or three books have not thrilled me. I tore through them, as I do with all of her stories, but I just didn't love them. This book was so, so, different for me.

In part, the history buff in me was captivated by the Holocaust aspect (though, obviously fictionalized.) I also happen to be really in love with the concept of baking bread, and what that means, in a larger sense, in a lot of different communities (I do, actually know how weird that sounds.) The two come together wonderfully, and rather flawlessly in this story.

This really is one of her best works in the last four or five years, and I highly recommend it.

(Picoult fans and history nerds, unite!)

The God of Small Things - Arundhati Roy

I would not have known about - although I might have picked up - this book, if it were not for a class I took this fall. This is a gorgeous text, the writing is really phenomenal, and I just can't say enough good things about the obvious work that Roy put into this novel.

This book is very much a book for readers. This is not something you can just whip out on the commute to work, or for fifteen minutes in a waiting room. This book begs to be read, really read. And trust me, if that is you, as a reader,  you need this book.

(Stunning language, complicated story, easy to understand, but filled with layers and layers of meaning.)

Gone Girl - Gillian Flynn

So, everyone has been telling you to read this book for forever, right? And you've seen it on every list, and kiosk, and yada yada yada. Look, it is there for a reason. I do not pick books just because they are on the best sellers list, but I'm telling you, this book deserves to be there. And you better read it before Ben Affleck goes and tears up the theaters starring in the movie.

It's a thriller, it's a mystery, (it's not scary,) and it is totally captivating. The writing is really solid - solid enough that it convinced me to read Flynn's two other books after I finished this. It's a quick read, once you get into it. And you will, in fact, be glad that you finally figured out what all the fuss is about.

(Easy language, easy enough to read while traveling, or beaching-it. The story is absolutely what makes this text.)

Okay! And there they are, the first five books that came to mind, that I really think you should read. In the most long-winded, and totally Creative-Writing-major-esque way.

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